Musings about Life. People. Family. Friends. A dewdrop. Oceans. Orchids. The dragonfly. The world. Music. The spirit. Volunteerism. Service. About everything. But mostly, it's all about LOVE.

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Location: United States

One who never ceases to be amazed by everything. An avid student of the wonders of life. A believer in the miracles of Unconditional Love. That service to others is love in action. Nihil fiortor amore.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

What is LOVE to you?

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea
My love as deep, the more I give to thee
The more I have, for both are infinite."

~ William Shakespeare ~

Love is...hearing the gentle cry of my children the moment they were born. Celestial music to my ears. The first time they laid their little heads in my maternal embrace. The dreams. The hopes, the tenderness, the joy, the laughter. Love is also in disillusions, the broken dreams, the sorrow and tears. No matter what, it is always there. Like an eternal lullaby. An eternal flame. An eternal hope.

Love is...the golden stream that sweetly flows through family and friends. It grows when extended to our brothers and sisters throughout the world. It is about sharing and giving and learning and teaching. About rising from situations where love may not exist; only to discover that it is the catapult that makes us soar when we think we can't.

Love is...indefinable. It can only be felt. Deeply. In the recesses of our hearts and souls. Lightly. In the soft smiles and intimate wonder of the natural beauty of the world. It can be the source that comes from many showered upon one. Or it can come from the heart of one giving their all to the universe.

Love is...a healer and a breaker of boundaries. It sometimes stings like a booster to protect us from oblivion. It is a reason, a cause, a mission, a loss. It is in songs written and songs yet to be sung. It is an ocean and a dewdrop. An orchid and a rainforest. It is that look. It is that touch. It is that wondrous shooting star of our spirits.

Love is...everything that has meaning and all that seems to not have any. It is just there. It is a higher force. An everywhere power. A mystery. Beyond our human comprehension. And yet, so human. It is in courage, kindness and compassion. It is in risking and uplifting another's well-being. Unforgettable. Unconditional.

Love is...everything we are and are not.
Love and me.
Love is...all of us.

Love is...all. <3

What is LOVE to you?