Musings about Life. People. Family. Friends. A dewdrop. Oceans. Orchids. The dragonfly. The world. Music. The spirit. Volunteerism. Service. About everything. But mostly, it's all about LOVE.

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Location: United States

One who never ceases to be amazed by everything. An avid student of the wonders of life. A believer in the miracles of Unconditional Love. That service to others is love in action. Nihil fiortor amore.

Friday, December 14, 2007


This past year has been a year of consolidation, hibernation,
and replenishing, with many pockets of joy, after having been
in Chad and Uganda. The joyful part has to do with giving birth
to a coffee table book entitled YOUR COMPASSIONATE NATURE.
Even now, I am amazed at how this book came to be. It was
not the book that I planned as my first-born. Yet, there it is.
And it is starting to have a life of its own. Destiny rules.

The profits of the book will be used to buy water purifiers for
Uganda. Last year, with an incredible team of people who
deeply understand the significance of clean water for life,
we set up the first McGuire water purifier in Mubende, Uganda.
On July 8-11, 2008, there will be an international conference
called Healthy & Safe Water for the World in Uganda, organized
by the Rural Health Care Foundation in Mubende. Dr. Dickson
Ssenoga is the executive medical director of RHFC. We hope to bring
another water purifier that can help a community reduce deaths
from waterborne illnesses this coming July. It would be a privilege
to do so.

The videos of setting up the water purifiers in Uganda
and medical missions working with AIDS patients are in
Then type in MUBENDE.
The videos were kindly created by my sister Marissa Garcia, a dedicated
uplifter of UWEC (Ugandan Women for Empowerment through Crafts)
and AAWI (African Arts by Women Initiative).

If you are interested in the newly released book
my website: Http:// .
This will lead you to the place where you can order the book
if you so desire. You can click under "Books" then click
on the hyperlink of "Your Compassionate Nature".

YOUR COMPASSIONATE NATURE is filled with my photographs
of serene and tranquil nature i.e. ( sunsets, waterfall, flowers, beaches )
around the world while doing medical missions and disaster relief
work. I also included places that gave me much peace during decompression
times from missions. The book is about how to recognize compassion
in others and in one's self. And how to find a sacred place of inner peace
in our minds in spite of disasters, tragedies and/or losses through
the peacefulness and beauty of nature. It is about the awareness
that "Compassion is Love's passion". This book is my gift to the world.

May compassion and love fill your lives always.


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